Aleksandr Kurganov, Chief Commander of the KST

Aleksandr Kurganov + base ronde de 40mm.

Figurine 28mm héroïque, disponible en résine.

Aleksandr Kurganov is deeply loved and seen as the good father of the Kurgan nation.

His courage and his integrity have always stood in contrast with the corrupt and greedy Kurgan high society and political milieu.

But his life would mean little to him without his 3 daughters, Olga, Ivanka and Malinka, and his wife, the supreme ruler of the Kurgans.

Universally praised as a military genius, Aleksandr outdoes himself when he works in sync with his three daughters.
Together, they are capable of hatching the cleverest strategies and achieving the most outstanding wins.

It was Aleksandr who gave a puppy to his daughters, for Malinka's 10th birthday.
Although nobody quite knows where Charlie the war bulldog came from, or why he's always wearing the hats of military heroes of ancient times...


Dirigées par l'omnipotente dynastie Kurganov, les troupes de choc Kurganova (KST) sont une armée organisée et disciplinée. Elles bénéficient de l'appui d’une puissante cyber-magie chamanique. Celle-ci leur permet, entre autres, de libérer leur gène « lycanthrope », transformant certains de leurs soldats en de monstrueux loups-garous ou autres ours-garous.

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